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2023 Year End Activities

Hi folks,

Just a reminder of our up-coming events to finish off 2023

Dec 1st

The West End Clutch Christmas potluck and raffle.

Food will be served at 11:30. You might even get some carving in after!

Bring along some food to share with others (Rita will bring the turkey) and something for the raffle. It could be carving related but may also be something else like a Holiday food item, drink (think wine😉) or decoration.

Dec 6th Monthly Meeting

Our annual Christmas Auction and finger food potluck

As usual, there will be a live auction as well as a silent auction. Over the past year we have been fortunate to have some great donations to the club (see attached photos of some of the items). Members are also encouraged to bring in items that they wish to donate (e.g. carvings, tools). We usually have a nice assortment of small carvings that have been done by members up for grabs to the highest bidder.

Bring along some nibbles to share with others, something for the auction as well as some money or a cheque. (note we do not have the capability for e-transfers or credit card at the church)

Dec 8th

Last East End Clutch for this year, bring along some finger foods or nibbles to share with others and any UFOs you need to get done before the holidays.

Hope to see you all there!

The Executive

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